I think you are right in the fact that SOME people of a certain generation don't know how to handle criticism or negative speak of any kind. However, I hate when these generalizations get applied to an entire generation. It's like me saying all Boomers are whiny crybabies who had everything handed to them. That's not really true, is it?
That couple is dumb! I'm sorry but it is 100% their fault their sweet baby is dead. They should feel so much shame and not be asking other people to pay for the mistake they made! I hope the law throws the book at them!
The neighbor with the daughter who put on weight during her first year at college...she is right! You don't ever say anything to others about their appearance, especially young girls/women. It impacts people more than we know. It is nobody's God damn business what we weigh, what we eat, or how we take care of ourselves. The only one that can comment on this is our doctors. This is apples and oranges when talking about the two idiots from Arizona IMO.